The Naples-Cancello line is part of the Naples-Bari high-speed-high-capacity sustainable mobility project, part of the European programme for sustainable transport: the Transport European Network (TEN-T) corridor. The Naples – Bari Itinerary is included in the Scandinavia-Mediterranean Corridor, which will connect Finland to Malta, passing through Denmark, Germany, Austria and Italy

The Project is part of the transport redevelopment plan of the southern italian area connecting Naples through Benevento and Foggia, arriving in Bari. The work will hopefully contributes to the development of the entire South of Italy, allowing it to better integrate itself in socio-economic dynamics both in Italy and Europe.

The excavation’s works involved in this railway extension will represent the first italian (and among the few Europeans’s one) project in hyperbaric atmosphere.

For this project, STM has designed a special belt conveying system: the major part of it is a classic belt conveyor for tunnel application, the last 40 meters within the excavation process, and close to the traditional excavation’s activities, is followed by a “shuttle” belt conveyor which allows the excavation to have flexibility and efficiency as requested.


Where: Avellino – Italy
Application: Tunnelling